Blugold News
News and events for, by and about alumni
Graduates of UW-Eau Claire make a big impact in their communities, locally and worldwide. Find out what your classmates have been up to and what events we have planned to get you back to campus!

Campus news
Blugold stories, UW-Eau Claire news and more.
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Class Notes
Find out what’s going on with Blugold classmates and friends, and let them know what is new with you. Check out the UW-Eau Claire Alumni Association Class Notes today. Thanks for staying in touch!
Catch up with friends
Alumni success stories
A UW-Eau Claire education is a springboard to success. We are very proud of our alumni and the impact they have in their professions and the lives of others. Find out what your fellow Blugolds are doing and share your accomplishments today.
See what Blugolds have achieved
BluView, news for alumni and friends
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